Répondre :
Be ( au temps de la voix active ) + participe passé
The sales representatives will promote the new product to all our clients.
Pharse au futur , on met donc "be" au futur ==>
The new products will be promoted ( by the sales representatives) to all our clients.
The health authorities have approved the new vaccine for use in people.
Phrase au présent perfect, on met donc "be" au présent perfect ==>
The new vaccine have been approved for use in people by the health authorities.
The team is carrying out market research to identify clients.
Pharse au présent progressif ( be + ing ), on met donc "be" au présent progressif ==>
Market research is being carried ( by the team ) to identify clients.
Venetians introduced coffee into Europe in the seventeenth century.
Phrase au prétérit, on met donc "be" au prétérit ==>
Coffe was introduced into Europe by Venitians in the 17th century.
Explications :
Le complément d'agent introduit par "by" est souvent sous-entendu.
; )