Répondre :
address; Rosa Parks - Regional station, Rue Cesária Évora 75019 Paris - Address. family; eldest daughter in a family of two with parents James and Leona McCauley. profession; Dressmaker Civil rights activist Secretary Human rights defenders
Réponse :
Rosa Parks:
her job: Civil rights activist
Place of birth: Tuskegee, Alabama, United states of America
birth date: February 4th 1913 in Alabama
death date: October 24th 2005 in Detroit
Family : her husband is Raymond Parks
House address: 2672 S. Deacon St. (a redlined district in South West Detroit.)
At age 11 she attended high school in alabama, where there is a laboratiry school only for black people. She later on left at age 16, early in 11th grade because she needed to take care of her grandmother that is about to die then comes her mother.
Main succeses:
her films/series: ''mighty Times, the Legacy'' in 2002 and '' boycott'' in 2001 are the main famous ones
discoveries: //
awards: After her incident on the bus she decided then on December 5th 1955t o call out this judgment. With a young pastor of 26 years old, Marther Luther King, in the competition of Ralph Abernathy.
her influence: She became famous when she refused to give up her place on the bus to a white man. She was later on arrested by the police and had to pay an amend of 15 dollars.
She then with help of others, threw a boycott campaign against the bus company, it lasted 380 days. Thanks to her, on November 13th 1956, the supreme court broke the laws of segregation In the buses, declaring them anti-constitutional.
her charity work: she created the NAACP youth council in Montgomery
other information:
Book she wrote: She co-wrote her autobiography Rosa Parks: ''My Story'' with Jim Haskins