Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aidez s'il vous plaît, je ne comprends pas trop l'anglais alors avec des maths en plus, sachant qu'il faut que je réponde en anglais. Merci beaucoup de prendre le temps de répondre.

Here are two documents which present the results of the Brexit vote. They come from the BBC website.

Leave : 51.9%
17,410,742 VOTES
/ (0 results left to declare)
Remain : 48.1%
16,141,241 VOTES

LEAVE UK votes to LEAVE the EU

Electorate : 46,501,241
Turnout : ??
Rejected ballots : 26,033
How results are calculated

a) The percentages seem near but what is the difference of numbers of votes between the two camps?

b) What is the percentage of turnout? Explain your answer.

Leave : 53.4%
15,188,406 VOTES
Remain : 46.6%
13,266,996 VOTES
Counting complete
Tumout : 73.0%

Leave : 44.2%
349,442 VOTES
Remain : 55.8%
440,707 VOTES
Counting complete
Turnout : 62.7%

Leave : 38.0%
1,018,322 VOTES
Remain : 62.0%
1,661,191 VOTES
Counting complete
Turnout : 67.2%

Leave : 52.5%
854,572 VOTES
Remain : 47.5%
772,347 VOTES
Counting complete
Turnout : 71.7%

a) If a Welsh person who has voted is randomly chosen,
what is the probability that this person has voted for leave?

b) If a British person who has voted for remain is randomly chosen, what is the probability that this person is Scottish ?​

Répondre :

Alors c est un exo qui parle du vote du Brexit:
1a) the difference of numbers of votes between the 2 camps is approximately of 1 million of ballots (bulletin de vote)

1b) [partie réflexion en français] alors la on demande le pourcentage de participation. Donc on calcule ceux qui ont voté “leave” + ceux qui ont voté “remain” = 33,551,983
Maintenant on divise ce nombre par le nombre d électeurs anglais pour avoir une proportion (/46,501,241) = 0.72=72%
[partie en anglais] So the pourcentage of the turnout is 72% because the number of voter is 33,551,983. We just have to do a division with the number of electorate to know the pourcentage oh the turnout. ( ne pas oublier de mettre les calculs)

2a) déjà les welsh ce sont ceux qui habitent aux Wales (Pays de Galle)
To know the probability that this person is a welsh who has voted for leave, we have to divide 854,572 (number of welsh who want to leave) by 17,410,742 (sum of all British who had voted to leave). This division is equal to 0.049=4.9%

2b) the Scottish who vote remain are 1,661,191. Like the previous question, we take the sum of all British who had voted to remain : 16,141,241. The division will do : 0.103=10.3%

J espère que cela t aura aidé