Répondre :
February 14th 2021
wow, i'd never expect that i'd be here one day ... IN DUBLIN ! roaming the roads with full joy and admiration to a beautiful city with amazing people.
Why am i happy ? you may ask ?
Well, i am very exited about the activities that i'll do today. My obsession with castles is very strong so i decided to visit the Dublin castle.. IT"S HUGE and astonishing. Then i was amazed by the Pheonix park and how calm and peaceful it was. Later on, an escape boat in the craic,Absolutely brilliant, so different to an adventure room on land, this is challenging great fun and well worth a go.Funny, frustrating, this has all the potential for a good laugh, as well as being well run. As tired i am i decide to go for a pic nic back to Pheonix Park.
I am already exhausted but worth the fatigue. i will surely come back ! see you again Dublin !