Le présent Have + participe passé s'appelle le present perfect.
a- Darcy Oake has taken part in the Britain's Got Talent show.
b- Have you checked on Darcy Oakes's website yet ?
c- Flynn McGarry has apprenticed at some of the best restaurants in the USA.
d- Missy Franklyn, aged 27, has already won 27 medals in International swimming competitions.
e- By the age of 14, Ashima Shiraishi has became the best female rock climber ever.
f- Olivia Haltisey has invented an inexpensive test to dtect the Ebola virus for the Google Science Fair.
Il te suffit de conjuguer HAVE au présent ( has à la 3e personne du singulier -- have à toutes les autres personnes) suivi du participe passé des verbes.
Fais attention aux fautes de frappe quand tu écris un exo... Merci
Bonne fin de soirée ☺☺☺