Bonjour , j’ai une évaluation ou je dois faire une lettre pour le moi dans 10 ans ou 5 ans du coup j’aimerais un texte avec des phrases cohérente si on les ouvrirait plus longtemps que prévue ( au prétérit et au passé simple )

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Dear (Ton nom)

By the time you'll read this, it will probably have been ten years or more since I wrote it. So congratulations, you are now (ton age en 10 ans)! I'm proud of you. Hopefully by now, you have graduated. Are you still friends with (noms de tes amis)? If so, have you talked to them recently? Is your favorite food still the same one? Did you get (une chose que t'a toujours voulu)? If you did, I'm jealous of you, you must be very lucky. Did you make any new friends as well? How are mom and dad, and your siblings (si tu as des soeurs ou des freres.)? But most importantly how are you? When you'll read this, I don't think you'll even remember half of the stuff you wrote, you probably have forgotten about everything. Good job on making it this far.

Sincerely (Ton nom), (La date).

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