D’écrire un sport irelandais en anglais exposeeee svpppp ( règle, nbr de joueur,ect)

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Le hurling (en irlandais : iománaíocht ou iomáint) est un sport collectif d'origine irlandaise se jouant en extérieur.

Le hurling se joue avec une crosse appelée hurley ou camán utilisée pour taper dans une balle nommée sliotar. Ce sport est une forme de soule à crosse[1]. Ce sport est considéré comme étant le sport d’équipe le plus rapide[2],[3].

Le hurling est un des deux structures, comme le terrain, le nombre de joueurs, la manière de compter les points et une partie de la terminologie. Il est régi par l'Association athlétique gaélique (GAA) qui en est le garant des règles et l’organisateur des principales compétitions en Irlande et dans le monde.

Le hurling a aussi une version féminine appelée le camogie.

Hello, I am English and I love the the Irish sports so I can help you gladly.

I used the example of Caid.

Caid (in Irish) means Gaelic football (in English)

The Caid is the most popular sport in Ireland. If the game looks like a mix of XV rugby and football, it is less violent than the latter, since tackle and tackle are prohibited. The rules are simple and give the attacking team more freedom. It’s a totally amateur sport, and each player can only play for one team in his or her entire life, the riding he or she comes from.

The Caid is one of four Gaelic sports run by the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), which is the largest association in Ireland both in terms of membership and influence. This sport is based on strict amateur rules. The Sport Summit is the Inter-County Championship Final (the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship). This sport is descended from an ancient form of football played in Ireland known as Caid, which can be traced back to 1537 and whose rules (still in force today) were modernized in 1887.

Caid is played in teams of fifteen players, on a rectangular field with H-shaped goals combining rugby-to-XV goals for their high form and football goals for the lower game. The first goal is to score points by kicking or boxing the ball into the opponent’s goals. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins the game.