Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider à faire ceci

Écrire un message à hedy lamarr pour la féliciter pour sa carrière et ses réalisations merveilleuses svp

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider À Faire Ceci Écrire Un Message À Hedy Lamarr Pour La Féliciter Pour Sa Carrière Et Ses Réalisations Merveilleuses Svp class=

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Réponse :

Dear Hedy,

I recently heard about your successful career and achievements, I am glad to congratulate you for this. Since studying with you in middle school I always knew you’ll become someone very successful as you are today. I believe you took a difficult trip with many obstacles but seeing you today I guess it wasn’t a big deal as you are a very hardworking person. I’m sending you this letter to encourage you to not give up on your future target, it’s gonna be difficult, stressful but know, that you always have me your family and friends that you can ask for advices or just for encouraging words. I congratulate you one more time and wish you the best for the future!


Your ....

(J’ai essayé mon mieux, j’espère ça te va )