je dois raconter mes vacances en anglais il faut que dans ma copie il y est 160 mots svp aidez moi ​

Répondre :


All my friends told me that the Vendée was a magnificent place and a lovely land of welcome to spend your holidays. I thought they were exaggerating a little bit but in the end we got there as soon as we got there.

Indeed, there are so many things to do or visit that we had a very pleasant stay. But to be honest, we needed to find a place where it weren't too crowded. We could have chosen Les Sables d'Olonne or Saint Gilles Croix de Vie but we preferred a quieter place and of course by the sea.

Then I left for New York, I took a plane, I I traveled 9 hours, it was great. Then that's it I arrived in NEW-YORK I went to the hotel, I unpacked my suitcase and I went to visit the city!

In summary, I went skiing, I went to the cinema it was superb, to the amusement park and also to the luxury restaurant and the best THE BEACH :)))

J'éspére t'avoir aidez :))))))