Bonjour, je dois rédiger une dissertation / argumentation en anglais pour répondre à la question posée : "People should put as little personal information online as possible. Discuss." ("les gens devraient mettre en ligne le moins d'informations personnelles possible. Discutez.").
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Bonjour Je Dois Rédiger Une Dissertation Argumentation En Anglais Pour Répondre À La Question Posée People Should Put As Little Personal Information Online As P class=
Bonjour Je Dois Rédiger Une Dissertation Argumentation En Anglais Pour Répondre À La Question Posée People Should Put As Little Personal Information Online As P class=
Bonjour Je Dois Rédiger Une Dissertation Argumentation En Anglais Pour Répondre À La Question Posée People Should Put As Little Personal Information Online As P class=
Bonjour Je Dois Rédiger Une Dissertation Argumentation En Anglais Pour Répondre À La Question Posée People Should Put As Little Personal Information Online As P class=

Répondre :


First of all I think that people shouldn't put much information online because anyone could get hacked online. I've seen personally many american celebrities like Bella Thorne get hacked online and then get stolen from their intimate or personal information. When you put something up on the internet it stays there forever for anyone to see.. private or not, which is why we as individuals should be really careful about sharing information online about your personal life. But on the other hand sharing your private life with only your friends isn't dangerous until someone hacks into your account and steals your private information. There are many people on the internet who even steal other people's identities which is why everyone who is under 18 should keep their accounts on social-media private. However everyone has their own opinion on subjects like these..