1) the video took place in India
2) number of applicatiosfor gap year students were up that year for more than 60 000 applicants
3) it was caused by the shortage of university places
4) the gap year students are interested in acting and pretty much learning ( je suis pas sur dsl)
5) she is teaching indian children acting
6) she took gap year to travel, to see the world, not really worry about money or work and just chill relax
7) she deferred her entry originally because she wanted a year out
8) couple of her friends didnt get the offer that they wanted
9) those who take gap school arrive at university refreshed focused and they succeed, they are far lessley to drop out from their chosen cours, theyre more mature, thry contribute to tutorials, in short they turn out to be jolly good students
je veut répondre aussi en français mais je suis très insécuriser de mon français, je parle pas très bien français et a cause de la flemme XD donc voila!