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Steve Job life--  Steve Jobs life

I'm would like to talk how didn't the americain Steve Jobs so famous--   I would like to talk about how the american Steve Jobs got so famous  

Steve Jobs is got married the March,eighteen nine hundred eighty eleven-- Steve Jobs got married on March the eighteenth, ninteen nintety one

They had three children-- He and his wife had three children

he's fonder-- he's the founder

he always-- he has always

whith-- with (remplacez tous les "whith" que vous aviez mis avec "with")

he had just turned 21 then-- he had just turned 21 at the time

apple consumers-- apple customers

is become so famous-- became so famous                                                                one thousand nine hundred eighty-- in nineteen eighty

he become millionaire 25 years-- he became a millionaire at 25 years old

he its inspired of the graphicale-- he has inspired the graphical

he launched apple lisa in on one thousand nine hundred eighty three-- he launched apple lisa in nineteen eighty three

in 1984-- in nineteen eighty four

who marks-- who marked

steve jobs he told he is dying of cancer-- steve jobs died from cancer

he died at his palo alto hom on october 5, 2011 by the age of 56--he died at his palo alto home on October the fifth, twenty eleven at the age of 56

who pay tribute to him in render-- who paid him tribute

for me-- in my opinion

is an example for the whole world-- is a great example to the whole world

he started from scratchs and became chairman of apple-- he started from scratch and became the chairman of apple

his impress me-- he impressed me

all of it's apple products are know until today-- all of his apple products are still known today

has become limited to luxury products-- although the brand has become limited to luxury products

is that the turned-- is that he turned his passion into his job

i think it is he is a hero because he changed the technology every year-- i think that he is a hero because he changed the technology every year

Explications :

avant les traits c'est la faute que vous aviez fait et apres les traits c'est la correction.

bon travail !!