Répondre :
Réponse :
Explications :
Tu pourrais lister les droits que tu souhaites leur donner en plus par exemple :
-Plus d'égalité envers les hommes
-Renforcer la protection des femmes pour éviter le nombre croissant des féminicides.
-Un vrai soutient pour les femmes victimes de violences conjugales et ou sexuelles.
-Tenter d'arrêter les préjugés sexistes.
Du coup ça donnerait ça :
"Listen to me, ministers, can you hear Women who wants more liberty?
Be a woman isn't easy, you are always calling with nicknames very impudent, you cannot be dress like you want because of immature people and when you divorced your ex-husband wants maybe to kill you!
The number of women kills is growing up! We really need to help them! Later it will be too late... We need to give a real help to women who were victims of sexual offender or by there boyfriends or husbands.
Time is grave my friends we need to act now after it's going to be too late."
Voilà normalement c'est ni trop court ni trop long.