Bonjour! J'ai un texte à rendre pour lundi, le thème est simple. Je dois dire pourquoi les jeux vidéos et les consoles sont bien dans la vie, je dois donc citer des choses positives là dessus. J'aimerais savoir si il y a des erreurs de grammaires ou de conjugaison dans le texte que j'ai mis en pièce jointe ?
Merci !

Répondre :

Hello, i think that it's a very interesting text. You juste mad few mistakes, but it's not really matter. I'm not a professional, so I did my best.

The Videos games,( une virgule, car si après il y a it's, tu aurais fait une faute d'accord)it’s an ( un "n", car le mot suivi commence par une voyelle) evidence as the world advances and technology develops, they always go further, to create even better things. Video games are also  used to help people it's a hobby, entertainment. It allows you to relax after a  long day of work, to be able to forget your problems. it also allows ( pas de s, c'est dit au pluriel !) you to have  good reflexes, to be reactive, and knowing how to aim, all thanks to video  games. The video games can help video games can help everywhere, for everyday life. It's not that expensive, it's very profitable and there is a huge price-performance ratio. Cultivate yourself, have fun, train yourself to have reflexes, do  calculations, relax. You can do it all with video games.

Have a nice day ; ) !