Répondre :
This was really nice spending this weekend with you John, but I'm afraid I'll have to leave now...
-Oh really, that's a shame. We never get to spend time with one another...
- That's a shame indeed... But you know that if it wasn't for the distance between your place and mine, we could spend way more time together, right ?
-Hum. I guess so yeah...
- Plus, my boss at Hewlett Packard probably wouldn't mine new employees...
- Are you trying to convince me to leave Ohio so that I could come with you and work at Hewlett ?
It can't just leave everything now ! I've got a life here!
- You call your current situation a life ? Common John, you can't just stay here, doing nothing of your days, and act as if you had any sort of "life" here.
-Hum. This hits hard.
-I know it does, but it's true and you know it.
- Oh fine then ! you're right ! I'm coming with you !
-Are you really !?
-You bet I am, it the start of a new life !
Voilà pour le dialogue, il serait sans doute judicieux d'y ajouter des phrases intermédiaire cependant.
Demande moi si quelque chose ne va pas.