bonjour, est-ce que vous pouvez corriger mon expression écrite s'il vous plait

I prefer living in the city than live in country. All my childhood I was living in the country and I always want to move. The energy in the city is extraordinary, during the day you can do all activities you want, like go to a museum, go to restaurant, go to the cinema or thousands of things I cannot list. I have the feeling that in city everything It is possible.
And seriously, I love pastry, in the big city, there are more pastry […] than in my little country.
But what I love on my little island (?) and particularly the country where I lived, it is looked […] the sky and see how much it is vast and filled with stars. It is a thing that I do not really see in the city. Country it is calmer than […] city, I like that. Where I come from everyone take care of each other like for, example sometimes unknowns came in my house and my parents called him to eat with us.
To conclude, I would say that I love the city for her attraction and all the opportunities that she has, but sometimes it is overstressing.
I also love the country for the calm that she allows, the people who love sharing with others. But the lack of activities and dynamism it is a little annoying.

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Ton texte est pas mal mais il y a juste quelques erreurs dans tes phrases

Comme par exemple "I prefer living in the city than live in the country" à la place de mettre live, ça sera plutôt living.

Le "All my childhood" ça sera mieux de le remplacer par "During my whole childhood", pour plus nuancer tu vois.

Après tu peux aussi mettre "you can do any activities you want" à la place de la phrase que t'aies mise.

À la place de mettre "everything it is possible" ça sera aussi mieux de mettre "everything is possible", car si tu mettais la phrase que t'as mise, ça voudra "tout c'est possible", pareil pour le "it is looked" car looked est au passé et it is est au présent du coup met simplement "it looked".

Une autre remarque pour le "Country it is calmer than city", si tu mets ça c'est que tu veux dire "pays c'est plus calme que les villes" donc met "Countries are calmer than cities" (d'ailleurs cette phrase n'a pas vraiment de sens mais c'est pas grave).

Y a aussi "unknows came in my house and my parents called him to eat with us" un gros problème dedans, unknows que tu croyais voulais dire "inconnus" mais non, c'est strangers, et vu que tu disais que "y avait des inconnus", c'est au pluriel du coup faudra mettre "strangers came in my house and my parents would ask them to eat with me" = "les inconnus venaient souvent chez moi et mes parents leurs demanderaient de manger avec nous".

Et enfin "all the opportunities she has" et "for the calm that she allows" au lieu de mettre she, tu devrais plutôt mettre "it".

Bon aller passe une bonne soirée :)