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Les fake news se propagent à toute allure sur internet et sont devenues de nouvelles armes utilisées en politique lors des campagnes électorales. Ainsi, aux Etats- Unis, des millions de citoyens et d'élus épousent les croyances d'un mouvement complotiste et anti-démocratique baptisé QAnon. Kim raconte comment cette mouvance inquiétante s'est immiscée dans la vie de ses proches et s'apparente à une secte, déterminée à maintenir Trump au pouvoir, quel qu'en soit le prix. Au Brésil, Jair Bolsonaro gouverne désormais son pays grâce à ces fake news. Pour certains citoyens, combattre les mensonges de leur Président est devenu une question de santé public, en pleine pandémie. Jean Wyllys, ancien député de gauche s'est exilé à Barcelone et raconte son combat.

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Fake news is spreading fast on the internet and has become a new weapon used in politics during election campaigns. In the United States, millions of citizens and elected officials espouse the beliefs of a conspiratorial and anti-democratic movement called QAnon, and Kim recounts how this disturbing movement has intruded into the lives of those close to him and is a sect, determined to keep Trump in power, no matter what the cost. In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro now rules his country thanks to this fake news. For some citizens, fighting the lies of their President has become a public health issue in the midst of a pandemic. Jean Wyllys, a former left-wing deputy has gone into exile in Barcelona and tells about his fight.

Fake news is spreading fast on the internet and has become a new weapon used in politics during election campaigns. In the U.S., millions of citizens and elected officials espouse the beliefs of a conspiratorial, anti-democratic movement known as QAnon. Kim describes how this disturbing movement has intruded into the lives of those close to him and is a sect, determined to keep Trump in power, no matter what the cost. In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro now rules his country thanks to this fake news. For some citizens, fighting the lies of their President has become a public health issue in the midst of a pandemic. Jean Wyllys, a former left-wing deputy has gone into exile in Barcelona and tells of his struggle.