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Non-formal education is all organized education activities that are outside the formally established system. Nowadays, non-formal education presents his necessary qualities in our society as it is extremely usefull and has many benefits for any people.
First of all, community education can take different forms as: Evening classes, literacy classes, vocational training worship...and it has many goodsides for each of person. For example, It gives a second chance for illiterate people to fight their problem and achieve their own goals. After that, children who early dropped-out school but decide to continue their studies can improve their knowledges and skills thanks to the non-formal education. Moreover it helps them to grow, to become matures and responsables. Finally, lifelong education occurs evening classes to the students to help them in their study so that they can do their homeworks without any difficulties.
To sum-up, the role of non-formal education is very important and indispensable to develop our society.