bonjour je dois écrire 20 règles drôles dont 10 ordres et 10 interdiction à suivre en classe/collège
c 'est du niveau 5 ème

Répondre :

Drole tu dis alors je vais essayer de t'aider

Do not throw your chewing gum on your friends

Do not put your mask on the nose of your comrades

Do not put his comrade's pen in his nose while he is writing

Don't sit on your head in class

Do not roll in class

Do not cut out his comrade's notebook

Do not stick parts to the ceiling

Do not throw paper balls

Do not use a flame thrower with a deodorant and a lighter

Do not sing in class

Work and pay attention in class

Mark your homework

Do your exercises

Help others if you can

Don't be insolent

Take the course

Be on time

Keep your comments

Do not cheat

Do not lie

Voilà j'espère que ça ira