Salut je suis en 4ème et pour demain je dois faire une rédaction présentent mon casier en anglais j'aimerais beaucoup que quelqu'un puisse me la corrige merci d'avance !
My locker
In my locker there is books for English and history geography color pencils and pencil forms art I have a schedule and album photo by wejdene because she is my singer favorite in my locker I have a note pad for noted in my homme work I have a stickers in my locker stickers of smile fairy flower and eggs I love draw and this for his that I have drawings.

Répondre :


In my locker there *are books for English and history geography,color pencils and pencils forms art I have a schedule and *an album photo by wedjene because she is my *favorite singer.

I have a note pad for *note in my *homeworks *too.

I have *also stickers *of smile fairy glower and eggs.

I love *drawing and this for *her that I have drawings.


Il ne faut pas faire trop de répétitions pour que ce soit assez clair quand on le lit.