Rayan2703ask Rayan2703ask Anglais résolu Aidez moi à compléter ces phrases, svp Find the adjective which corresponds to the following descriptions. 1. Many women would like to have Angelina Jolie’s body. she’s ………………………2. He works many hours a day. He’s ………………………….3. My sister is a P.E. teacher. She practices sport all the time. She’s ………………………..4. Woody Allen makes original films. He’s ………………5. Mrs Brown is always ready to help her pupils. She’s …………………………………………6. You can keep a secret. You are ………………………………7. She likes talking with people. She’s ………………………8. Tom is a very good babysitter . He’s …………………………………9. Her secretary works very well. She’s ………………………………..10. He travels a lot in dangerous parts of the world. He’s …………………….