yourself- himself - herself- itself- ourselves- yourselves- themselves.

qui peut me donner des phrases avec ces verbes s'il vous plait qui sont en haut qui pourra m'aider merci​

Répondre :


First look at yourself then to your friend !

He was talking to himself.

she's going to buy clothes for herself.

The wound healed itself quickly.

We're going to buy some books for ourselves.

Don't put yourselves at risk, ever !

They're only by themselves.

Voilà j'espère de t'avoir aidé ! like et remercie si tu as trouvé la réponse utile !

Bonne courage !

Make it yourself

He sees himself in the mirror

I am not sure she know the truth herself

We went to the airport ourselves because the bus was late

It don't care if they stole my idea ... I worry they don't have one themselves.
(Nicolas Tesla)

Je ne les ai pas tous trouve mais
j’espère quand même t’avoir aidé