Bonjour pourriez vous m’aidez à faire cet exercice

Laugh/they ►negative = they don't laugh /// They aren't laughing
Open/it ►affirmative = It opens // it is opening
Hide /we ►negative = We don't hide /// We aren't hiding
Lie /she ► affirmative = She lies // She's lying.
Write / you ►interrogative = Do you write ? /// Are you writing ?
What's his job ? He's a writer. He writes novels and sometimes works fro the BBC.
Leave me alone ! Can't you see I'm working ?
It is generally admitted that men react more slowly to emotions than women.
I often feel under stress. I don't ssleep very well.
I don't have time to see my friend after work.
Will you stop making so much noise? The baby is sleeping.
The President usually addresses the nation on New Year's Eve.
You won't see him at 10 tomorrow. He's not coming any more.
Is he reading a book Yes, he likes detective stories!
Listen to them ! Do you understand what he is saying ?
Many pupils often artistic hobbies.
She never looks very motivated. She rarely does her homework.
Mark loves Paris but he usually hates big cities.
I check my emails sevral times a day.
I can go to my friend's house to find interesting information.
He never chats on the internet because he is too shy.
He often drinks black coffee for breakfast.
He uses the internet a lot but he likes other things too.
Bonne journée ☺☺☺