Bonjour, quelqu'un peut m'aider à corriger les fautes d'orthographe si il y en a?
Merci beaucoup

Hi My name is Maxence and today I'm going
to talk about the club where we are and
the sot itself. To begin, the tennis club
(created in 1981 by a group of enthusiasts) in
located in la Jarrie, near the college
He was then abiated with the French Tennis
Federation in 1982. from 1984 to 1992, the
Two grounds outside were built as well as
the club house. In conclusion I'd say
that the club took 14 years to prepare to
welcome players. Anyway, now let's talk about
tennis in general, Tennis is a racquet
sport that opposes either two players (we speak
3 sungles plava personally I have
been playing tennis son o years. I think I have
a level aliove average. I play tennis once a
week Wur competitions on weekends. I have
aheady done other sport (pootballons) eur
I have always played temis . I sill pratice
the sport because it las always gouen me
something to enjoy as welle as being in
health tenimis has taught me to never
give up and to always surpass myself. Im con
usion I recommend this sport to you because
Tammis is accessible to all there is good cohesion
between the players and above all, you have
Ium dong this. Thanks for listening to
and goodbye

Répondre :

Réponse :

Hi My name is Maxence and today I'm going

to talk about the club where we are and

the sot itself. To begin, the tennis club

(created in 1981 by a group of enthusiasts) in

located in LA Jarrie, near the college.

It was then abiated with the French Tennis

Federation in 1982. from 1984 to 1992, the

two grounds outside were built, and as well as

the club house. In conclusion I'd say

that the club took 14 years to prepare to

welcome players. Anyway, now let's talk about

tennis in general : Tennis is a racquet

sport that opposes either two players (we speak

3 single players. Personally I have

been playing tennis son o years. I think I have

a level aliove average. I play tennis once a

week with competitions on weekends. I have

already done other sport (pootballons) eur (?)

I have always played tennis . I still practice

this sport because it has always gouen (?) me

something to enjoy as well as being in

health tennis has taught me to never

give up and to always surpass myself. In conclusion,

I recommend this sport to you because

Tennis is accessible to all and there is good cohesion

between the players and above all, you'll have fun playing tennis. Thanks for listening to me and goodbye.

Explications :

j'ai essayer de corriger des faute mais ya des mots où jai vraiment pas compris lol dsl