Répondre :
1) Do they want a PlayStation ?
2) Is bon a good doctor ?
3) Does she go to the restaurant on holidays ?
4) Does he have a new bike ?
5) Do you study a lot ?
Exercice 2)
J’ai pas trop compris la consigne mais je crois qu’il faut inventer des questions :
1) Does he play any instrument ?
2) Am I late ?
3) Is this good ?
4) Did you visit London last year ?
Exercice 3)
1) Does she eat fish every week ?
2) Where are they ?
3) How often does she drink milk in the morning ?
4) How old are you ?
5) Whose sister is it ?
6) How much money did you earn the other day ?
Exercice 4)
1) Do you eat burgers ?
2) when does he arrives ?
3) Are we ready ?
4) Did you sing ?
Voilà bonne journée !
1) Do they want a PlayStation ?
2) Is bon a good doctor ?
3) Does she go to the restaurant on holidays ?
4) Does he have a new bike ?
5) Do you study a lot ?
Exercice 2)
J’ai pas trop compris la consigne mais je crois qu’il faut inventer des questions :
1) Does he play any instrument ?
2) Am I late ?
3) Is this good ?
4) Did you visit London last year ?
Exercice 3)
1) Does she eat fish every week ?
2) Where are they ?
3) How often does she drink milk in the morning ?
4) How old are you ?
5) Whose sister is it ?
6) How much money did you earn the other day ?
Exercice 4)
1) Do you eat burgers ?
2) when does he arrives ?
3) Are we ready ?
4) Did you sing ?
Voilà bonne journée !