Joey comes into the room and slams the door
Joey (indirect) "So, you prefer Eddy's eggs to mine?"
C : I think a lot cruel, I miss your eggs
J : and what about "Eggs .... Eddy"
C : Eddy's eggs are different
J : I know it, you can stay with Eddy's eggs, I don't want to talk
to you anymore
C : your eggs are the best in the world
J : Is it true?
C : Yes, I would never find better eggs than yours.
J : But, you looked so happy when you were acting(?) Eddy's eggs
C : No, it's true Eddy's eggs are good but I like yours.
You know when you ... (mot coupé) I was so sad,
I thought you didnt want to be my friend anymore
J : ...... you know that you are my best friend, you will always
be my friend ever. If I.....
la fin n'est pas lisible