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Mon rêve aujourd’hui ce serait que les personnes handicapées ne soient pas mit de côté, que ces personnes soient reconnus comme des personnes normaux.
Je rêve qu’on jour que ces personnes donnent la main aux personnes non handicapées, aillent dans la même école, ne soient pas traités comme des personnes différentes.
Je rêve que ces gens aillent dans la même école, joue avec d’autres personnes non handicapées.
Leur vie est assez difficile pour ces personnes quotidiennement et aujourd’hui encore même si en effet, il y a des initiatives pour aider ses personnes : l’ aide technique qui constitue en grande partie les aménagements pour faciliter les accès aux personnes ayant un handicap physique moteur (bus, certains magasins, des plages, trottoir aménagé…), mais il n’ eut aucun changement à ce niveau (hôpitaux) .
Plus facile à dire qu’à faire, Que vous soyez en fauteuil roulant, mal-voyant ou touché par tout autre handicap physique, notre société n’a pas encore tout rendu accessible.
Je rêve qu’on jour que tout soit accessible pour ces gens, qu’ils se sentent pas dévisagés, critiquer, moquer.
Pour cela, mon rêve est d’aider ces personnes pour qu’ils ne se sentent pas exclu de la société.
. Mais, lorsque vous abordez le handicap mental ou psychique, la question se pose encore en d’autres termes : donne-t-on le droit aux personnes en situation de handicap mental ou psychique d’exercer leur citoyenneté ? Manifester sa citoyenneté, c’est exercer ses droits, en étant conscient également de ses devoirs, en s’engageant dans sa ville ou dans son quartier pour améliorer les choses et vivre autrement, ou encore en participant à la vie sociale et culturelle.
Mon rêve est de faire montrer que ces personnes en situation de handicap souhaitent vivre avec et comme les autres, et ne se trouvent pas confrontées à des difficultés matérielles, juridiques, économiques ou culturelles qui peuvent freiner l’exercice de leur citoyenneté. En dehors des problèmes d’accessibilité des lieux et des équipements publics, se pose la question de leur participation à la vie de la cité dans toutes ses dimensions (éducation, travail, culture, loisirs, plein exercice des droits fondamentaux et des droits civiques) et de se sentir utiles.
mon rêve est de monter que Nous avons tous le besoin de nous sentir utiles, d’aider les autres et particulièrement les plus démunis, de faire partie d’une équipe et de s’engager.
Mon rêve est de créer plus tard une association et de faire que ces personnes qui ont besoin d’implants, de jambes, de bras.. puissent être amputés gratuitement et facilement sans souci.
Mon rêve est qu’on jour de les voir courir, sourire, voir ou entendre sans problème et comme les autres, sans exception, qu’il y ait pas de cas différents. Mon rêve qu.un jour que ces personnes soient tous amputés sans problème, et tous, je voudrais créer, faire tous pour les voir sourire de nouveau.
Je sais que aujourd’hui Le sujet handicapé est, par définition, « hors norme » : dépendant alors qu'il faut être autonome, maladroit alors qu'il faut être performant. Celui qui ne correspond pas aux normes fait vaciller nos certitudes. Face à cela, deux positions sont possibles : soit on le rejette, soit on accepte d'entrer dans son monde.
Mon rêve est de réussir à se sentir mieux dans la société.


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Réponse :My dream today would be that people with disabilities are not put aside, that these people are recognized as normal people.

I dream that one day these people join hands with people without disabilities, go to the same school, are not treated as different people.

I dream that these people go to the same school, play with other people without disabilities.

Their lives are quite difficult for these people on a daily basis and even today even if there are indeed initiatives to help people: technical assistance which largely constitutes the facilities to facilitate access for people with physical disabilities engine (bus, some shops, beaches, landscaped sidewalk ...), but there was no change at this level (hospitals).

Easier said than done, Whether you are in a wheelchair, visually impaired or affected by any other physical disability, our society has not yet made everything accessible.

I dream that one day everything will be accessible for these people, that they will not feel stared at, criticize, make fun of.

For this, my dream is to help these people so that they do not feel excluded from society.

. But, when you tackle mental or mental handicap, the question still arises in other words: do we give the right to people with mental or mental handicap to exercise their citizenship? To demonstrate your citizenship is to exercise your rights, while also being aware of your duties, by committing to your city or neighborhood to improve things and live differently, or by participating in social and cultural life.

My dream is to show that these people with disabilities want to live with and like others, and are not faced with material, legal, economic or cultural difficulties that can slow down the exercise of their citizenship. Apart from the problems of accessibility of places and public facilities, there is the question of their participation in the life of the city in all its dimensions (education, work, culture, leisure, full exercise of fundamental rights and civil rights) and to feel useful.

my dream is to show that we all need to feel useful, to help others and especially the poorest, to be part of a team and to get involved.

My dream is to create an association later and to make sure that those people who need implants, legs, arms ... can be amputated for free and easily without worry.

My dream is that one day to see them running, smiling, seeing or hearing without problem and like the others, without exception, that there are no different cases. My dream that one day these people will all be amputated without problem, and all, I would like to create, do all to see them smile again.

I know that today The disabled subject is, by definition, "out of the ordinary": dependent when you have to be autonomous, awkward when you have to be efficient. Those who do not meet the standards cause our certainties to falter. Faced with this, two positions are possible: either you reject it, or you agree to enter your world.

My dream is to succeed in feeling better in society

Explications :je l'ai fait au brouillon il ya environ 30min sur pc voilà

Hello !

My dream today would be that people with disabilities are not put aside, that these people are recognized as normal people.

I dream that one day these people join hands with people without disabilities, go to the same school, are not treated as different people.

I dream that these people go to the same school, play with other people without disabilities.

Their lives are quite difficult for these people on a daily basis and even today even if there are indeed initiatives to help people: technical assistance which largely constitutes the facilities to facilitate access for people with physical disabilities engine (bus, some shops, beaches, landscaped sidewalk ...), but there was no change at this level (hospitals).

Easier said than done, Whether you are in a wheelchair, visually impaired or affected by any other physical disability, our society has not yet made everything accessible.

I dream that one day everything will be accessible for these people, that they will not feel stared at, criticize, make fun of.

For this, my dream is to help these people so that they do not feel excluded from society.

But, when you tackle mental or mental handicap, the question still arises in other words: do we give the right to people with mental or mental handicap to exercise their citizenship? To demonstrate your citizenship is to exercise your rights, while also being aware of your duties, by committing to your city or neighborhood to improve things and live differently, or by participating in social and cultural life.

My dream is to show that these people with disabilities want to live with and like others, and are not faced with material, legal, economic or cultural difficulties that can slow down the exercise of their citizenship. Apart from the problems of accessibility of places and public facilities, there is the question of their participation in the life of the city in all its dimensions (education, work, culture, leisure, full exercise of fundamental rights and civil rights) and to feel useful.

y dream is to show that we all need to feel useful, to help others and especially the poorest, to be part of a team and to get involved.

My dream is to create an association later and to make sure that those people who need implants, legs, arms ... can be amputated for free and easily without worry.

My dream is that one day to see them running, smiling, seeing or hearing without problem and like the others, without exception, that there are no different cases. My dream that one day these people will all be amputated without problem, and all, I would like to create, do all to see them smile again.

I know that today The disabled subject is, by definition, "out of the ordinary": dependent when you have to be autonomous, awkward when you have to be efficient. Those who do not meet the standards cause our certainties to falter. Faced with this, two positions are possible: either you reject it, or you agree to enter your world.

My dream is to succeed in feeling better in society

En esperant t'avoir aidé et désolé si il y quelques fautes ^^