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Healthy family relationships and safe and supportive home environments are central to children and young people’s development and wellbeing. Family members may not necessarily be biologically related or even live with the child or young person all the time. Some individuals may have one or several parents or carers, including grandparents, step-parents, same-sex parents, aunts and uncles, foster parents or adoptive parents. A family can be made up of anyone a person considers to be their family. For most individuals, the family environment and family relationships have the biggest impact on life outcomes. Positive family relationships can help children and young people flourish, but adverse experiences can negatively impact their wellbeing and subsequent development. All families are unique. Supporting families involves recognising that they come in all shapes and sizes, with different needs and circumstances Research shows the quality of family relationships is more important than their size or composition. Whoever the family is made up of, they can build strong, positive relationships that promote wellbeing and support children and young people’s mental health In healthy family relationships, people trust and rely on each other for support, love, affection and warmth. Families often share common goals and work together to reach those goals (for example, children and young people may help their families get the dinner dishes done so that everyone can relax).
Family members feel safe and connected to one another. Sometimes these relationships involve conflict, which is a normal part of family life. Conflict can occur between adults, children and young people. In healthy relationships, these conflicts are dealt with in a safe and respectful way dans la healthy family les parent doivent être compréhensives, ils doivent donner aux enfants la meilleure éducation, les enfants doivent aussi respecter leurs parents, toute le famille doit behave avec une bonne manière et mettre les problèmes à part et conserver du temps pour des conversations de face à face also les conflits sont une parie essentielle de la famille mais ce qui rend les healthy family spéciaux c'est que chaque membre de la famille prend part de sa responsabilité et la famille doit encourager les émotions tout les membres doivent respecter les sentiments d'exitation, sadness or even anger