Répondre :
Hello :)
Would you like to travel to Spain?
- Yes, because I love the beach and tapas!
Do you want to go on a trip by bus?
- No because it would be long and boring...
Would you like to go with your headmaster in Japan?
- No, because it's very strange to be with the headmaster!
Do you want to buy some food for the trip?
- Yes becaause I am so hungry!
Would you like to be with your friends in HawaÏ?
-Oh yes, because it will be so fun!!
Do you want to travel to the USA?
- No because I don't like this country (N.B: c'est un exemple , j'adore ce pays! ^^')
Would you like to wait a lot of time to have a free airfare?
- Absolutely yes because it's better than buying an expensive airfare!
Do you want to eat baguettes in France?
- Yes, because I really like French bread!
Would you like to have a connecting flight?
- No because I prefer direct flights.
Do you want to travel with me in England?
- No because I can't travel without my parents!
En esperant t'avoir aidé (ée), prends soin de toi :)