Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait m’aider pour mon devoir d’anglais merci d’avance

Réponse :
1) The train stopped....
2) ....students were getting off....
3)....and (they) walked to the lake.
4)They saw a giant....
5)...Harry Potter looked up...
6)....saw the moon.
7) There was boats on the lake....
8)....students were going across.....
9)They arrived...
10)....and went up a big staircas.
11) There was a witch....
12) Neville has losted his frog.
13) They walked into....
14)....and saw the night sky.....
15) Harry sat on the stool....
16)....Sorting Hat told him.....
2) Harry Potter at Widzard's school
Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban
Harry Potter et La Chambre de....
Harry Potter et le Gobelet de feu.