Bonjour. Aidez moi à faire la fiche en pièce jointe qui est à rendre pour demain s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance.

Répondre :

Réponse :

Exercise 1 :

a. How many cinemas were in the United States in the 1900s ?

b. Why producers left for California ?

c. How long lasted most silents films ?

d. Who introduced special effects in films ?

e. How many films Alfred Hitchcock directed ?

f. Where did the first cinema opened ?

g. When did James Cameron shot Terminator 2 ?

Exercise 2 :

a. Shoot a film.

b. Direct a movie. / Producers.

c. Film soundtrack.

d. visual effects / special effects.

e. an Oscar / an award

f. in the - early  50's.

             - mid

             - late

Exercise 3 :

a. silent film

b. talking film

c. sound

d. landscape

e. narration

f. entertainment

g. film poster

En espérant que j'ai bon !