Bonjour , aurez-vous la gentillesse de m’aider pour mon travail d’anglais. Je serai reconnaissant.
You are interviewing Chris Hadfield who is back on Earth after a 5-month mission aboard the ISS. You ask him questions about life in space, health and his feelings about this experience.
(You will act the 2 roles: the interviewer and Chris Hadfield! ) pour 2:30 minn

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Réponse : Dsl si ça ne te plait pas, mais je l'ai fais sous forme d'un interview style journal. (italique: intervieweuse; normal: Cris Hadfield)

(générique du journal)

-Hello dear friends, here (ton nom) your loyal journalist and today we are going to meet the "space hero" which is one of the biggest astronaut in the world. Hello, Mr. Hadfield, how are you?

- Hello, very good, thanks and you !  

- All good, thank you very much ! Today we have ther some fans questions about you and your "space life", and then we are going to interview you and ask you some of our questions .

- All right, let's go!

- 1st fan's question: When you're in the space, how do you feel ?

- It is a very good question ! Hmmmm.....How I feel ? I feel like a free bird and it's like this bird is alone in his quiet corner, you know.

-Very good ! 2nd question: What do you think of your job?

 -I'm dreaming of this since I was 8. I wanted to be successful in my life. Then I started astronaut training. I like this kind of job. I don't even know that if it's a job or not.

- Applause for this genius man (applaudissement), So let's move on to the 3rd question: What is your experience about this kind of job ?

-Hmmmm.... Well. I don't know. This job is kind of funny or complicated or even, very risky. I don't what is it. It's very addictif.

-Before moving on to the 4th question, many people do not know what is an astronaut for. Can you define this job for us?

-So in the world, many people are fed up of this Earth in which these people were born. So we, the astronauts, we're looking to grow something on the planet most like Earth, Mars.

.-Perfect ! Let's go to the 4th question: How did you astronauts get the idea to grow something on Mars ?

-Well, that's questionable, I will say For everyone space is something virtual above the atmosphere. When I said that in the world, many people are fed up of this Earth, I said it for kidding.

-Excellent ! 5th and final question: do you have any other plans to fly the rocket again?

-I think in October. But no, not for the moment.

-Thanks a lot for your answers. And we, friends, we will soon find ourselves with other celebrities. Ciao!