Bonjour j'ai besoin d'un bon traducteur merci d'avance

Depuis son coup d'éclat en 2016 , aucune équipe n'a souhaité recruter Colin Keaperneak. Il a donc déposé plainte contre les dirigeants de la ligue suggérant que l'ensemble des clubs se serraient entendus pour ne plus le recruter. En parallèle, Colin Keaperneak a créé la formation "I know m'y right" grâce à laquelle il apprend au jeunes à mieux connaître la loi en cas d'arestation.

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Since his coup d'éclat in 2016, no team has wanted to recruit Colin Keaperneak. He therefore filed a complaint against the leaders of the league suggesting that all the clubs would rally to no longer recruit him. At the same time, Colin Keaperneak created the "I know m'y right" training, which teaches young people to know the law better in case of arestation.

Explications :voila tu n'a plus qu'a copier!!!


No team has been interested in recruiting Colin Keaperneak since his stunning strike in 2016. Keaperneak has filed a complaint against the league officials suggesting that all the clubs have agreed not to recruit him any more. At the same time, Colin Keaperneak created the "I know m'y right" training course, through which he teaches young people to be more aware of the law in the event of an arrest.