Bonjour j'aurais besoin d'aide svp pour ce devoir ;merci =)
Choisir une dizaine d'actions et faire des phrases du type:
"On their way to New York, passengers were having fun"

"During the sinking, people were screaming"

"While the Titanic was sinking, people were screaming.
Bien entendu, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ces exemples, vous pouvez vous en servir de base par contre :)
Il faudra écrire 10 phrases en utilisant 10 verbes différents / le sujet sera souvent "people" mais, si possible, essayer de parler parfois des personnages principaux (Rose ou Jack) pour faire quelques phrases avec "WAS
ps:ces sur le theme du TITANIC

Répondre :

when the titanic took of the seas family and friend where waving goodbye at there beloved there was so many people all screaming goodbye on their way to New York there was a ice berg that collapsed with the ship people where screaming and the rich people where leaving the ship and they drop the other passages to sink with the ship jack and rose where afraid what happened all thous passengers screaming in pain because the water was frizzing cold rose was scared because jack was in that cold water now jack told rose his last goodbyes and sinks like the titanic

se tout derien et goodbye