Bonjour je suis en 4e est ce que quelqu’un pourrait m aider svp ce devoir est a rendre le 15/05/2020 Merci d avance :
A / Complète les phrases en utilisant must, can’t, may ou might. Plusieurs réponses sont parfois possibles. Puis traduis les phrases en français.
You … be right, this is nonsense.
-> Traduction:

I … read “The Hound of the Baskervilles” this summer, but I’m not sure. Is it good?
-> Traduction:

She has all of Conan Doyle’s books. She … love detective stories.
-> Traduction:

They told me that they were leaving. They … be in Paris right now. It is quite possible.
-> Traduction:

The light was off, but I think I recognised the way he walks. He … be Mr Smith.
-> TRaduction:

She … be accused of the crime because she was not present that day.
-> Traduction:

She keeps crying. She … have some problem.
-> Traduction :

There’s somebody at the door. It … be the postman. Who knows?
-> Traduction:

B / Transforme ces phrases en utilisant must, can’t, may ou might comme dans les exemples.
ex: I’m sure John is worried about us -> John MUST be worried about us
I’m sure it isn’t my book -> It CAN’T be my book
Perhaps Helen is late -> Helen MAY be late (perhaps = maybe= peut-être)
I’m not sure they will come at the party -> They MIGHT come at the party

Perhaps your father is at the station. ->
I’m sure David doesn’t live in this town. ->
I’m not sure Tim is her brother. ->
Maybe everybody knows the answer. ->
There is little chance that animals are happy in zoos. ->
I’m certain these boots are not for climbing. ->
Perhaps her boyfriend has a dog. ->
I’m sure the dog is in the garden. ->

Répondre :

Réponse :

I might read “The Hound of the Baskervilles” this summer, but I’m not sure. Is it good?

-> Traduction:

She has all of Conan Doyle’s books. She must love detective stories.

-> Traduction:

They told me that they were leaving. They might be in Paris right now. It is quite possible.

-> Traduction:

The light was off, but I think I recognised the way he walks. He might be Mr Smith.

-> TRaduction:

She can't be accused of the crime because she was not present that day.

-> Traduction:

She keeps crying. She may have some problem.

-> Traduction :

There’s somebody at the door. It might be the postman. Who knows?

Explications :

je ne suis pas sur...