Bonjour excusez- moi je vous déranger pourriez vous m'aider à un devoir en anglais que je n'ai pas compris et pas réussi svp merci beaucoup sur un discours à faire.
Faites un discours puissant pour parler de la forêt tropicale. Vous recherchez des dons
- Énumérez les choses que vous pourriez faire avec de l'argent - Signaler le mode de vie des Amérindiens - Expliquez pourquoi il est vraiment important de se dépêcher​​

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Réponse :

Explications :

Tropical forest is in danger! Wake up citizens !

Amerindians are poor, they aren't allowed to protect the forest from the industrial development. Enemies are plenty : politicians, business leaders, hunters...

We have to struggle against that by raising sponsorship money.

If i had a dream, i would spend money to defend men, animals and plants because tropical forest is  crucial.

Without tropical forest, our world is doomed to perish, trees give us oxygen and many medicine against diseases like SARS- Covid 19.

Amerindians are good people with traditions and little cocks.

They live with Nature and respect it. But they're weak and armless.

This is getting really old because unhabitants of rich countries don't want to fight for their rights to live in peace, to live with Nature, Paris is polluted with so many bobos who live like monkeys and pigs.

It's time to react! it's time to kill Bolsonaro and all politicians in Brazil, Congo and others countries who destruct the forest unscrupulous.

No rest for the wicked, burn them all !!!

Best regards