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Boujour je m'appelle Ruby bridges vous me connaissez peut être sous le nom de "de la première petite fille a aller à l'école des blancs" .
Je suis venu aujourd'hui pour vous raconter mon histoire ,
C'était en 1960 je fut la première a aller à l'école des blanc.
C'est le 14 novembre 1960 mes parents on reçu un appel de la NAACP sois du National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,pour dire que j'étais admises à l'école Frantz Elementary Scholl.Ma premiere première journée à l'école était épouvantable j'étais accompagné par 4policiers, arriver devant l'école une foule de personne blanche rasiste crier .
Plusieurs parent retirer leur enfant de l'école car il pensait que j'étais malade,
même quelque professeur mon interdit de me faire cours .
Ainsi je me suis retrouvé seul pendant 1ans ,chaque jours j'étais seule avec mon institutrice,Même si elle était blanche et qu’elle ressemblait aux personnes à l’extérieur de l’école, elle m’a ouvert son cœur, Elle a rendu l’école amusante. Si je n’ai jamais loupé un jour, c’est grâce à elle. C'est pour je vous demande de ne pas être méchant avec les autres.

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Hello, my name is Ruby Bridges, you may know me by the name of "the first little girl to go to white school".

I came today to tell you my story,

It was in 1960 I was the first to go to white school.

It was November 14, 1960 my parents received a call from the NAACP and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to say that I was admitted to Frantz Elementary Scholl school. My first day at school was appalling I was accompanied by 4 policemen, arriving in front of the school a crowd of white people who were rasist screaming.Several parents remove their child from school because he thought I was sick,

even some teacher forbade me to lecture.

So I found myself alone for 1 year, every day I was alone with my teacher, Even if she was white and she looked like people outside of school, she opened her heart to me, She made school fun. If I never missed a day, it's thanks to her. This is why I ask you not to be mean to others.

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J'espère t'avoir aidé...

Explications :

Hello my name is Ruby Bridges you may know me as "the first little girl to go to white school". I came here today to tell you my story, It was 1960 I was the first to go to white school. It was November 14, 1960 my parents received a call from the NAACP or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to say that I was admitted to Frantz Elementary Scholl School. My first day at school was terrible I was accompanied by 4 polimen, arrived at school a crowd of racist white people shouted. Many parents remove their child from school because he thought I was sick, even some teacher forbade me to teach. So I found myself alone for 1 year, every day I was alone with my teacher, even though she was white and looked like people outside of school, she opened her heart to me, she made school fun. If I've never missed one day, it's because of her. It's for I'm asking you not to be mean to others.