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a) How many people lived in the house ? --------> 7
Justify with the text : « the six grownups and little Charly Bucket »
b) The house was made of ---------------> wood ( = bois )
Justify with the text : « a small wooden house »
c) How many rooms were there in the house ?-------> 2
Justify with the text : « There were only two rooms »
d) How many beds were there in the house?-----------> 1
Justify from the text : « there was only one bed »
e) Who slept in it ? ---------------> the grandparents
Justify from the text : « the bed was given to the four grandparents because they were so old and tired »
f) Where did Charlie and his parents sleep ? -----> on mattresses in the other room.
Justify from the text : Mr. and Mrs Bucket and little Charlie Bucket slept in the other room, upon mattresses on the floor. »
g) Charlie’s family was extremely poor.