Bonjour ! Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait juste regarder si j'ai fais des fautes dans ma tache final d'anglais ? C'est un dialogue entre un journaliste et un candidat pour les élections des délégués de classe. Si vous avez des idées a rajouté, ça m'aiderait beaucoup !


Journalist: Ask the candidate 5 questions about his/her programme (personnality/motivations)

Ex: Will you organize......?

Candidate: Answer the journalist's questions.

Use the modal "will" or "won't".


J— Hello everyone !

We meet today with our guest of the day: C******

Who is a candidate for the elections of delegates.

We start:

Hello C****** !

C— Hello !

H— To begin, Can you describe your personnality ?

C— Yes ! My friends tell me that I’m attentive, helpful and courageous. I know how to defend my classmates and I’m very cheerful and clever.

H— Good, so what are your motivations ?

C— If I would like to represent our class it’s because I want to make myself useful, I really like helping people.

H — Students have told us they would like to have a prom.
If you are elected, will you ?

C— Yes ! I will do it with pleasure because if it’s the wish of the students, I don’t see what would contradict this.

H— Great ! So , if you’re elected, will you organize school outgoings ?

C— Yes of course ! I will organize school outgoings in public and private companies ans I will organize a school trip which will be funded by donations from parents.

H— Why do we have to vote for you? Do you have a little message to say to our classmates?

C— If you need something or have a problem, I will be there for you.
Be smart and helpful like me ! Vote for C******* !!!

PS: Je suis en 3ème.

Merci d'avance ! Thank you so much !

Répondre :

Bonsoir ,

Alors je suis aussi en 3ème et franchement ton dialogue m’a épatée !

J’ai essayée de chercher certaines erreurs mais je n’ai pas l’impression d’en voir . En tout cas tout ce que je peux te dire c’est que c’est littéralement compréhensible et bien .

Aie confiance en toi et passe une bonne journée/soirée !