Bonjour j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît, pour aujourd'hui je dois inventer une sorte d'histoire policière en Anglais d'au moin 15 lignes mais je n'ai vraiment aucunes idée, Et j'ai de grosses difficultés en Anglais....Je remercie d'avance la ou les personnes qui m'apporteront leur aide.

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Explications :

Ceci raconte l'histoire d'une jeune fille qui se prénomme Anna et qui a disparu.  

Le FBI est sur l'enquete avec le lieutenant Crosi.  

Nous pouvons suspecter le mari James et le seul témoin qu'il reste dans la famille de Anna est Marie sa fille de 4 ans qui sait tout juste parler.Le mari veut -t-il brouiller les piste  

This tells the story of a young girl named Anna who has disappeared.

The FBI is on the investigation with Lieutenant Crosi.

We can suspect husband James and the only witness that remains in Anna's family is Marie, her 4-year-old daughter who barely knows how to speak.

Réponse :

The police received a phone call from a certain Mr

Ford. He told the police that he was the owner of a

building and that he had seen someone enter one of the

apartments (the one with the number 16) by a window

lateral. He added that he had not been able to see the person very

distinctly because it was raining and it was dark. But he

had seen him break the window. A few seconds later, he

had heard a shot and immediately had

called the police.

When the police arrived at the crime scene, they

found the door to the apartment open. In the bedroom,

there was a young woman. She was wearing a coat. It was

Miss Girard, the victim's secretary. She wore

a pistol and shouted, "He's dead! He is dead ! "

In the armchair, near the window, lay the body of

Mr. Martel, a lawyer specializing in criminal matters.

It was clear that he was dead. His head rested on a

typewriter. In his hand, the photo of an automobile

American brand.

The police noticed that the window had been broken.

It was open and it was raining on the floor. There were

pieces of glass outside the window, in the

flower bed. The police also noted that there

had footprints left by shoes

woman. The feet were pointed towards

the building.

Nothing abnormal in the bedroom. With the exception of

a few drops of blood on the floor and a little water

by the window, everything was in order.

When the police questioned Mademoiselle Girard,

she tells them that she was Mr. Martel's employee and that he

had asked him to come to his house to take

important documents. When she arrived, she had

found dead.

Explications :

Résumé :  La police reçoit un appel de mr ford car il a vu quelqu'un rentré chez un de ses locataires dans son immeuble. Il n'a pas vu qui c'etait mais il la vu cassé une fenetre ensuite il a entendu un coup de feu et c'est la qu'il a appele la police. Quand la police se sont rendu sur les lieux il ont vu que la porte etait ouverte et ont trouvé la secretaire de la victime qui etait mr martel  avocat dans les affaires criminelle , avec un pistolet en criant qu'il était mort. elle raconta pourqoi ele etait ici et comment elle à trouver le corp de son patron

Apres j'ai mis quelque détails au niveau de la fenetre et indice sur la personnes qui a tué mr Martel

voila j'espere que ca te plait

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