
Est-ce que vous pouvez m’aider à cet exercice de anglais

Merci d’avance

Bonjour Estce Que Vous Pouvez Maider À Cet Exercice De Anglais Merci Davance class=

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1. I don't have a ruler.

2. Wa haven't got a car.

3. She hasn't got a bag.

4. They don't have a car.

5. You don't have a book.


1. I have got a fish.

2.They have got a table.

3.He has got a ruler.

4.We have got a garden.

5.She has got a chair.


1. Have you got a dog ?

2. I have not got a fish.

3. Has he got a horse ?

4.They have got a car.

5. I have got a book.

6. We have not got a cat.

7.He has got an hamster.

8.Has she got a chair?

9.They have not got a table.

Voilà bonne journée prends soin de toi et de tes proches bonne journée bon courage et bonne continuation