Bonjour ,
Je dois écrire une lettre en anglais ,

Vous allez maintenant faire une expression écrite en essayant d'exploiter le maximum d'éléments culturels et linguistiques (grammaire) que vous avez retenus.
Cette EE va prendre la forme d'une lettre. Je joins un document sur la forme qu'elle doit prendre.
Voici le sujet: 
     Last december, you spent your holidays in Australia with your parents and went to Uluru.
     Write a letter to your best friend and give your impressions about the place, the people, tourists, the Aborigines....
     Include 3 pieces of advice in your letter and underline them.

Merci de votre précieuse aide en ces jours de confinement et portez-vous bien !

Bonjour Je Dois Écrire Une Lettre En Anglais Vous Allez Maintenant Faire Une Expression Écrite En Essayant Dexploiter Le Maximum Déléments Culturels Et Linguist class=

Répondre :

Réponse :

April 27th, 2020

Dear Emily,

I am writing to you to tell you about my amazing experience in Australia. Last December, I’ve spent two weeks with my parents in Uluru. Before going there I thought it was just about a rock but it turned out to be much more interesting than expected !

If you respond emotionally to the atmosphere of certain places and sights, I would recommend you to spend some time there. If you do the base walk, not only will you escape from other tourists, but you might also just sense a very personal 'connection' with the scenery.

This place is considered sacred to the the Anangu people. So if you are interested in learning more about the Aboriginal cultural identity this is a good place to understand it better. I’ve been impressed by the fact that even during the modern era, the Anangu have continued to centre their lives around the ancient laws of the land and traditions of their ancestors.

So here are my news, I look forward to hearing from you

Lots of love


Explications :

Voici une idée de lettre, je vous ai souligné les formules de conseil (advice) j’espère que ça vous aidera malgré le délais.

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