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Bonjour voici les réponses tu peux les développer un peu plus ou relire je ne suis pas très sure pour la réponse de la question 5
1- Thé text talk about paralympic game, in Rio de janeiro.
2- There is more than 170 nations in the competition.
3- Athlets have some disabilities like, limb deficiency, vision impaiment or including impaired muscle power, They are disabled.
4- There is 24 sports some are traditional like rowing, archery or judo. And some of than are specificly to para-sports like weelchair basketball, siting volley-ball or even weelchair fencing.
5- In 2013 michel Stiwell became a champion of athletics, she’s Canafian.
6- The specifies of medal are: ritten in braille and each one containes some little balls that rattle
1- Thé text talk about paralympic game, in Rio de janeiro.
2- There is more than 170 nations in the competition.
3- Athlets have some disabilities like, limb deficiency, vision impaiment or including impaired muscle power, They are disabled.
4- There is 24 sports some are traditional like rowing, archery or judo. And some of than are specificly to para-sports like weelchair basketball, siting volley-ball or even weelchair fencing.
5- In 2013 michel Stiwell became a champion of athletics, she’s Canafian.
6- The specifies of medal are: ritten in braille and each one containes some little balls that rattle
Réponse :
1- This text talk about paralympic game, in Rio de janeiro.
2- There's more than 170 nations in the competition.
3- Athlets have some disabilities like, limb deficiency, vision impaiment or including impaired muscle power, They are disabled.
4- There is 24 sports some are traditional like rowing, archery or judo. And some of than are specificly to para-sports like weelchair basketball, siting volley-ball or even weelchair fencing.
5- michel Stiwell
6- The specifies of medal are: Ritten in braille and each one containes some little balls that rattle