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I am going to talk about the notion « Idea of progress ». »Progress" indicates an idea of change, of evolution. These are positive transformations, improvements. There may be advances in different areas such as science, technology, society, economics and medicine. But is progress always a good thing? Aren’t there any negative impacts on our society?
Consequently, I’m going to talk about the positive effects of progress and at the same time I am going to look at its negative impacts.
To begin with, I will use the document we saw in class about the plastics in the ocean. 8 million tons of plastic wastes are rejected into the ocean; this represents 5 filled garbage bags (t’es sure que ça tient dans 5 sacs poubelle?). This pollution causes the death of many marine species. A woman named Ellen Mackartur presents several solutions to this problem. She proposes recycling to create new things such as sneakers from plastics or packaging. Besides, marine pollution is the cause of many dead areas due to the lack of oxygen which prevents marine species from living. This report also deals with the importance of organic agriculture allowing the survival of plants that feed on fertilizers from the soil.
Then, progress also appears in our society when our behaviour is examined. Indeed, what is still striking today is the difference in (on dit in en anglais et pas of) salary between men and women which can vary by a factor of two . However, it is important to note that more and more laws have been voted to reduce those inequalities. Let’s consider Machismo now. It can be found in a lot of contexts, for example at the office, at home, in politics. Women have fought against it for ages and their struggle seem today to be more and more taken into account. Women don’t hesitate to express their opinion. In Spanish class we studied a poem written by Berta Villanueva in 1992. It is entitled "soy mujer aymara". In her poem, she claims to be a man-woman, showing that she is not afraid of anything and that she is capable of doing the same job as a man. This struggle can also be seen through numerous events. For instance,, Rosa Ojeda, a competition feminist activist in Peru, claims the right of women to own the land they cultivate.
Finally, there is also technical progress which can participate in reducing our impact on the environment. Nowadays, electricity tends to be more used than fuel or gasoline which reduces our carbon footprint. For example, electric scooters have invaded cities so that people leave their car at home and used them instead. A battery can have an average range of 50 km per hour but can be larger depending on the scooter. It is easy to drive and It obviously preserves the ecology. It is also very quiet and avoids traffic jams. The eclectic scooter is made available to the world thanks to an application that allows you to locate the nearest scooter.
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