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Humans continue to report lies about the animal farm, unfortunately, food is beginning to run out on this once prosperous farm, so to make up for the shortage, the animals have to sell some of their crops, especially the chickens that have to give up their eggs, in order to buy what they need. Of course Snowball is still seen as the biggest enemy of this farm, he is accused of being a spy for Jones from the beginning, and Napoleon tries to track him down. Thanks to Malabar, Snowball is defended but only for a few moments since Malabar's motto is "Napoleon is always right", in the end Napoleon's opinion is enough. The latter, in order to end the uprising, brings each traitor, who was linked to Snowball, before all the animals, and one by one sound all executed. Those who have nothing to reproach themselves are upset by this horrible massacre. Finally trying to sing "Betes d'Angleterre" they are interrupted by Brille-Babil who informs them that this song is a revolutionary song. But the revolution is over and from now on, another song will be sung", Napoleon continued.