J'ai une tâche finale à faire en anglais pour lundi 06/04.
Imagine: Tu es une jeune Américaine et tu en as assez que ton pays soit vu comme un des plus polluants et un des plus grands producteurs de déchets. Tu décides de diffuser un podcast (enregistrement audio) sur les réseaux sociaux pour faire prendre conscience aux gens qu'il faut adopter une attitude plus responsable (moins consommer, recycler...)

-mentionne 1 ou 2 statistiques
-pense aux notions de quantités (ex: "In a mall, people consume too much")
-pense aux avantages d'un "thrift store" (magasin d'occasion)
-utilise 1 ou 2 comparaison ("athrift store is more... than a mall").
-pour dire ce que tu voudrais que les gens fassent: "people should/shouldn't..." / "I expect people to..."

merci d'avance

Répondre :

Réponse :

Hi everyone. Today I would to talk about our society and how we became one of the biggest polluting countries in the world. We already know that the United States have withdrawn from the Paris agreement. I see people coming to tell me that China is way worse than our country. But consider this : China has four times as many people as the United States, so the Chinese still burn far less fossil fuel on average than Americans. I think it is now the time to change our behaviours and our ways of consuming. The clothes industry is a big polluter so I expect people to find alternatives to big brands. People should start shopping in thrift store because buying second hand clothes can reduce waste and pollution. Thrift stores are cheaper than big malls. Some of them even support charities. Secondhand clothing is often higher quality than comparatively-priced clothing. So here is some ideas to help you become more responsible and more eco-friendly. Thank you all for listening.

Explications :

Voici une idée de texte, j’ai repris tous les éléments des consignes. J’espère que ça vous aidera malgré le délais. Bon courage.

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