Complétez les phrases avec les verbes irréguliers qui conviennent.
Liste des verbes à placer dans les phrases et à mettre à la bonne forme, au prétérit ou au participe passé, en fonction du contexte : Drive – Hide – Feed – Lend – Forgive – Spend – Forget – See – Spread – Shake – Steal- Think- Forbid – Throw – Teach – Swear – Tear – Write – Wake up – Sink
1- He had a car accident because he …………………………………….too fast.
2- Babies can’t eat meat, so they are …….………………………..with milk.
3- I lied but I admitted I was wrong, that is why my parents……………………………………….. me.
4- I didn’t want them to see me, so I ………………………………………….. behind a tree!
5- My friend didn’t give me his book, he only …………………. it to me. I must give it back to him.
6- I …………………………. this movie five years ago, I have …………………………………….who directed it.
7- He didn’t speak but he ……………………………………..his head to say “no”.
8- Last summer, I ……………………………… my holidays in Italy.
9- Smoking is …………………………… most public places.
10- He ………………………………….the butter and jam on his toast and ate it rapidly.
11- A nasty man ………………………… mobile but the police caught him.
12- He …………………………. to his lawyer that he would tell the truth.
13- My uncle …………………………………me how to ride a bicycle.
14- He was so angry that he …………………………………... the photo into pieces!
15- When I was 5, I …….……………………… that Santa Claus really existed!
16- The ball was …………………………………. into the neighbours’ garden.
17- When he went to school, he …………………………………………. at 7 a.m.
18- In the 70s, people ……………………………... letters, they didn’t write mails!
19- The ship called The Titanic ………………………………….. after hitting an iceberg.