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Je te corrige les fautes.
Laura enters the dinning room and tells her father:
- Dad, today my boyfriend decided to wait for me in front of the college. Can I go there alone for this morning ? Laura asked.
-No Laura (je comprends pas ce que tu veux dire !)
- I love you Dad, I promise you to pay attention and to look out before crossing. I am twelve years old and I know what is dangerous and what is not, she implores.
-Well OK, I will let you. Call me before and as soon as you arrive. It's a test, if you do it well (je comprends pas !), he concedes.
-Thank you Dad, you are the best and I would indeed pay attention because danger is everywhere, she says.
-You know I don't want you to go and stand there. I'm afraid for you Laura. If I'm making an exception today, it's because you are growing up a lot and that you are not a child anymore. Visit your boyfriend, but I don't want to know anything, just that you are okay ! he says.
Désolé, des fois c'est trop incompréhensible pour que je corrige.