(20 point )Bonjour je dois écrire un récit avec du prétérit simple ou BE + ing selon cette phrase « .........the man was standing just on feint of me »
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Réponse :

the man was standing right in front of me when he killed my mother, I would have liked to stop him but I was panicking, I did not understand what had just happened. I burst into tears, in the evening when I got home I felt bad, very bad. My mother was my last family, my father had abandoned me when I was very young so I was alone with my mother. I cogitated at length to conclude that it is I who find the man guilty of this crime and I would end his life.

Politesse : bonjour , désolé je n'avais pas trop d'imagination sur ton sujet ; j'ai essayer et je ne te promet pas que le résultats soit convaincant maintenant si cela t'as aider dis le moi et si au contraire non je ne t'ais pas aider préviens moi stp .

bonne continuation , bonne chance