Répondre :
- What does the queen have on her head ?
- Does Katie have a cat ?
- what color si Katie’s hair ?
- Where does Jack live ?
- When was he born ?
- how old is your school ?
- what time is dinner ?
- What is Tom’s favorite movie ?
- How could she win ?
- Does Katie have a cat ?
- what color si Katie’s hair ?
- Where does Jack live ?
- When was he born ?
- how old is your school ?
- what time is dinner ?
- What is Tom’s favorite movie ?
- How could she win ?
Bonjour !!
1 - Who has got a crown ? (question ouverte)
2- Doesn't Katie have a cat ? (question fermée)
3- Whose hair is black ? (question ouverte)
4- Where is Jack from ? (question ouverte)
5- When were you born ? (question ouverte)
6- How old is our school ? (question ouverte)
7- What time is dinner ? (question ouverte)
Is dinner at 7 pm ? (question fermée)
8- What is Tom's favourite movie ? (question ouverte)
Is Ice Age Tom's favourite movie ? (question fermée)
9- Why does she win ? (question ouverte)
Is it because she is a winner ? (question fermée)
Les questions fermées = on ne peut répondre que par YES ou NO
Les questions fermées commencent par un mot interrogatif (WH- souvent) = mot interrogatif + aux+ suj. + Base Verbale + complément...
On ne peut pas répondre par Yes ou No .....
j'ai fait les 3 dernières des 2 façons... à toi de jouer !
bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺